Rugby should be a safe and positive experience for everybody. All those involved in rugby have a part to play in safeguarding children and vulnerable adults. To assist with this, Strathmore Community Rugby Trust have implemented policies and procedures which set out our belief in and commitment to safeguarding and protecting all children and vulnerable adults involved in our activities, safeguarding their wellbeing and protecting them from all forms of abuse. This is not just our responsibility but that of everyone involved in our activity at all levels to ensure that everyone can enjoy themselves in a safe and non-threatening environment.
To view our safeguarding policy click here – Safeguarding Policy.
If you have concerns for the wellbeing or safety of a child, young person or adult or someone raises a concern with you, please report these immediately by getting in touch with your Safeguarding lead – Maggie Lawrie. Please complete and return our Safeguarding Concern Form to our Safeguarding lead via